Who Are We?

Very simply put, we’re CEOs, CPAs, MBAs, PhDs, musicians, writers, tradespeople, delivery people, retailers, sales reps, past U.S. Presidents, current politicians, lawyers, doctors, artists, law enforcement agents, actors, comics, consultants, coaches, educators, hair stylists, designers, architects, athletes, truck drivers, taxi drivers, chefs, bartenders and so much more with at least three things in common:

1. We all survived the sixties and seventies, 
3. Uh, what was I talking about?

Image courtesy of Midian & FreakingNews.com

Copyright 2009-2011 Manatee-Woof Productions

Disclaimer: Use of names on this site and/or membership to O.D.C. does not indicate that said person or persons is/are currently engaged in nor do they support use of marijuana illicitly.

Legal marijuana use for all is not the law, it’s just a good idea.

CLICK HERE TO JOINhttp://www.olddopersclub.com/Old_Dopers_Club/Membership_Form.html